
Why is it? If you’re not dating anyone in particular, people assume you are waiting for someone in particular? What if? You know your worth, you know what you need, and what you have to offer, therefore until the correct opportunity presents itself, you exercise patience. The bible speaks of patience that surpasses all understanding. I guess that means, everyone will not understand. Patience doesn’t mean waiting. Waiting means you have patience. Neither does patience means sitting idle, it allows you time to gain wisdom.

What if? You’re fully aware of and acknowledge your own issues, and are devoting quality time to the development of yourself. Why then, would people consider you waiting? Do we work before we are paid, or do we demand our pay before work is done? Not only does the average person wait for direct deposits, but we also wait for Uncle Sam during tax season.Yet, we see no sense in waiting for quality people. I’m confused.

 Is it okay to wait in line at the local fast food joint, just to pay money for food that’s no good for us? All while being criticized for waiting on the right people to enter our lives. As women (and some men) we wait in salons/barbershops for hours to get ‘did up’, in order to impress the same people we refuse to wait for.

Of course, there will always be exceptions, and by no means agree with waiting in vain, or to please others. However, I believe patience is a virtue. Use it for your benefit. Personally, I’d rather wait!

Roslyn Sparks WRITE2LIVE Copyright 2012

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